Sometimes it pays to go to these Bull Shit meetings at City Hall in Room 263 and hear the same crap time and time again. Of course you know nothing meaningful will come where Sophie Maxwell heads any Committee - but then you say Ross Mirkarimi may bring about some results ­ but in this case it is the same old BS.

Bevan Dufty listens for once and poor old Tom Ammiano had his hand in a sling and a cut lip from some episode closer to failing to keep his balance I think. He tries to look ahead but poor sight and inebriation can fail the weak of heart. He looks up and thought the sky fell but he was awake to know that this may have been just a dream.

Sophie holds meetings on the side with folks like Sharon from the Village and Angelo King so you know when these folks make an appearance at a meeting there is some money on the horizon. Greed written all over their face and time will tell their final disgrace.

Angelo King the Chair of the Bayview Hunters Point Project Area Committee should be ashamed of himself. Trying to challenge me after the meeting - I know how to stay away from scum bags. Sharon tries her best trying to say something with diatribe and making NO sense what so ever. We all know those that serve and those that want to be served but worse those that will not serve but want it all on a platter.

Alan Nance would do well to stay away from Sophie Maxwell and make his Department work. We are fed up of outsiders trying to make long winded speeches. To hell with Summits and Conferences our children are dying and we need practical solutions on a war footing. Anything else means nothing and so this exercise in futility to be diplomatic while doing nothing is detrimental to the constituents of San Francisco. Mayor Gavin Newsom the time as come for you to take these folks that you have appointed to places where the Crime takes places and violence on the rise and have them understand once and for all the meaning of death. Have them talk to the victims of crime and see if they pass the test. Have this incorporated into SFlistens.

This City should try to come out with solutions having in mind the 10 Police Precincts and the 11 Supervisorial Districts. What works in most of them and why is it again and again two or three Districts force us to address Crime and Violence? Why is there too much Black on Black violence?

What works in Chicago and Los Angeles will not work here in San Francisco when it comes to Gangs and Gang Violence. If what I state does not make sense go to ground zero and find out what the gangsters have to say. They have no respect for those that talk and talk and have nothing to offer. As Rudy Corpus a community activist clearly stated the gang violence will go on as long there is no trust and more talk and little action.

Some feel there is a deep connection with Public Housing and Black on Black violence. Some feel that all the shootings and killings have their source in Public Housing. There is a lot of misunderstanding, disinformation and misinformation and it all stems from NOT being educated on issues. Ask the youth from Public Housing and they will tell you everything you fools want to know. It is just that simple but most of you do not have the balls to go to ground zero because of fear and not understanding the truth.

Public Housing was never meant to be Permanent Housing. The housing stock most of it in the Southeast Sector was built to house the members from the Armed Services. The housing stock is old and conditions inside the homes leave much to be desired. HUD took the housing stock, depleted Hope Six money, screwed things over and over again and leased it to the SF Housing Authority. It is the City and County of San Francisco's moral duty to help the poor address Quality of Life issues. As long as folks live in Public Housing among desperate folks with no hope and rising crime. Drugs, guns, domestic violence, racism, and plain hatred and violence become a breeding ground - crime will prosper and Quality of Life issues will be relegated to the back burner.

No one talks about Empowering folks that live in Public Housing. No one talks to the youth that live in Public Housing. No one wants to love the youth and the folks that live in Public Housing. Folks talk about them as if they are some sort of aliens from another planet.

To you folks from Public Housing reading this come to City Hall and tell these scum bags exactly how you feel. If you do not you all will get a Pink Slip. Call Sophie Maxwell at (415) 54-7670. E-mail her and tell her what you all feel. I know you are intelligent enough to do that especially my sisters and brothers from Samoa. Let us put an end to this nonsense.

The Housing Authority has tried to address Security first by hiring Private Guards. One has to go to the Public Housing to ask the folks that live there how that worked. Then, as we have now since 2004 one million dollars is spent to hire San Francisco Police Department Officers some 16 or so with the blessing of the Housing Commission.

As far as I know this works but it is not a perfect model and as Ross Mirkarimi was trying to grill Greg Fortner the Housing Director we all learned that Security is something that needs the day to day support of the community patrolled. Crime happens on the increase where they is nothing to do - keep the folks busy, offer them Quality of Life support that better themselves and most of the Blight will go away. It is very easy to talk the talk but not so easy to walk the walk.

Sophie Maxwell has no idea about the One Strike law that can send any Public Housing tenant packing. She spoke about a 3 Strike law that applies elsewhere and was quickly corrected. She has no idea what so ever about the altars built when a victim falls and dies when killed. Gang members and those that the Latinos respect know what that means. As far as African American they too build altars to their fallen comrades but it could mean something else. Sophie always tries to get some where with no planned map and mostly takes a route down the precipice. It is time she reaches out and not talks down to folks that have no clue where Sophie is coming from. Even Charlie Walker want to run against her and tell says it all. And then you have Dwayne Jusinho and Rodney Hampton not to forget Espanola Jackson.

A hundred Sharons and Angelos cannot come to Sophie's rescue they are NOT respected by the community. We are watching the sell outs and those that are drawn to money and greed. We know those that serve the community and those that respect the community.

No one can fool the community all the time. We are fully aware of transplants and hot air and genuine out reach to the community and personal character. Drunks cannot think straight and time and time again we have seen drunks worship alcohol and compromise the community. Much like the crack heads that worship that which takes them down the drain.

Ending Gun Violence and Gang Violence can come from within the Community - lucky for us we have Jim Queen, Mitch Salazar, John Nauer, Rudy Corpus and many others like minded folks that can address the situation at hand in an innovative way. They are not from Chicago and other places that we have no affinity to home and our back yards. Here at home we know our back roads and we know our turfs better then anyone.

If the seeds of Crime and Gun Violence and Killing were planted by those that made it happen. We need the wisdom that is NOT found in books to change that. They Old Guards or OGs will deliver only when the time is right.

Too much blood has been shed and the turf wars, the colors, the deals, the messages sent from behind the wall, the corruption with those that should do one thing but do another is well known to the OGs. Stupid politicians can dig deep into their pockets and ask for more green. Our OGs will go deep in their hearts and change the warfare and welfare and bring about solace and progress. This cannot come without goals, time lines and astute fiscal caring. Any takers? The brave do not beg.

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