Parcel A - 400 trees clear cut.


For the longest time ever - we few advocates have said do not build 1600 homes in the middle of Chernobyl. It was wrong for the City and County of San Francisco to accept Parcel A surrounded by the worst radiological pollution from the United States Navy. The worst of the parcels E has the highest concentration of radiological elements.

Recently the Navy informed me by e-mail that they had found a bomb that they had to defuse. The Navy helped build one of the Atomic Bombs that was dropped on Japan and carried on other very toxic and dangerous experiments at Hunters Point Naval Shipyard.

It is not right to build homes and put innocent people in harms way but that is exactly what Mayor Gavin Newsom wants. Today Lennar BVHP LLC has acknowledged that it cannot build homes for renters and the only way it can make money it by building market rate units. No one in their right mind should be living anywhere in the Hunters Point parcels be it A, B, C, D, E, and even F which is the Bay.

Lennar BVHP LLC was at one time assured by Willie L. Brown that they could do as they pleased in San Francisco. This is not Sacramento and Florida. Lennar has the worst track record when it comes to building homes - they simply love to build homes on toxic hot spots or brown fields.

Good riddance of very bad rubbish as Lennar BVHP LLC jumps ship and may they rot in hell for all the trouble they have given us. They even had the audacity to hire Koffi Bonner as Project Manager a Nigerian and one of Willie L. Brown Jr. good friends and partner in crime. A weasel I called him at one time and will continue to refer to him as that. I would like to know where is the Tabernacle Group on the latest development linked to Lennar. I would like to know what will happen to SF Redevelopment Agency and its plan to hoodwink the constituents of San Francisco. I would like to know how Doris Vincent, Willie B. Kennedy, and the other sellouts feel about this situation at hand.

Radiological contamination with good views.

Another angle of Parcel A.
