Brown Bombers - BBQ.


Ranon Ross is a guy I will not get into but he is a doer and that sits well with me. Another man of action is John Nauer. So when they said lets us do it - we did it and threw a nice BBQ at the KC/Bayview Playground on 3rd Street - July 24, 2004.

It was fun to see so many people and all of them enjoying themselves. Two radio stations in attention and the Brown Bomber bombing! Very good attendance and all in the neighborhood.

Norcal Waste Systems provided the food and we fed a lot of people on a nice sunny day where there were lot of smiles and the feeling was more then good. A healthy appetite and you have the best recipe for all round success. Thrown in some great music and games and now you can say bring it on.

People were having fun registering their young and learning some finer points about their civic duty and how to take care of our youth. Choice games and the coaches and volunteers were kept very busy. I could see that special gleam in the eyes of the youth. Even the little ones.

The Church Elders were there to preach a little and more to eat and make merry which I guess does not happen much in the Bayview at least with a group of nice people that the Brown Bombers attract outside Church at that. I saw a couple of Ministers preaching and what they said was good but I love action.

The youth were having a nice time and that is what I am all about. This was the first time such an event was organized by the Brown Bombers. The next time around we will bomb and it will be great. Kudos to the parents, the supporters, the coaches, the volunteers and most of all to those who are behind the youth in spirit. A lot of love and sacrifice goes coaching, training, feeding, clothing the youth and Ranon and his team do very well in this department.

If you can bring the youth together and want to take it to the next level where things get even better - call me I love those types of touchdowns. Keep up the good work Ranon and John and I promise you if you watch my back I will more then sure watch yours. We all have places to go and things to see but most of all caring for our youth and setting them free.

Good clean fun.

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