Symbol of WED - Scrap House.


World Environment Day (WED) turned week is full of Dog and Pony Shows all over the City and County of San Francisco.

The symbol of the WED is the Scrap House that you can view in front of City Hall. Telephone books have been used as insulation for this model house and computer keyboards cover another wall. Really what role such materials play in the building of any sustainable house defies logic. However Jared Blumenfeld and Mayor Gavin Newsom seems delighted that such a house with reusable materials are "in " and linked to sustainable practices. To me it makes no sense.

By United Nations Plaza trees have been planted to commemorate 60 years June 26, 2005 since the U.N first came to be. The City and County of San Francisco spent a lot of money to lay bricks and plant trees. The City could have planted 6 trees for each decade but defying logic they chose to plant 5. Perhaps the other movable tree is the Mayor himself.

At the Metreon Theater on the 2nd floor there were a number of Dog and Pony Shows. The organizers simply do not get it. San Francisco is a diverse City but some how the Whites think - only they are in control and can make policy decision. Not a single person of color was on the panel I witnessed.

I sat through the panel discussion and heard speaker after speaker on the panel discussing Public Land Parks speak as if minorities and people of color did not exist in San Francisco. It is despicable to say the least how San Francisco Environment and the organizers have not taken care to cater to the Public at Large with little or no meaningful outreach.

As I have been saying World Environment Day turned Week is full of Dog and Pony Shows. The organizers should be ashamed of themselves.

Telephone books - hazardous fire.

Lots of money spent - 5 trees for 6 decades of UN.

Here are the names.

Public Trust Parks - Another Dog and Pony Show.

San Francisco the City we all love.

Green Cities in our Concrete Jungles.

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