The California Independent Systems Operator (CAISO) and Pacific Gas and Electric tried to inform the constituents of Bayview Hunters Point about the impending closure and the discussion before the CAISO Board of Director in September 2005.
There were two meeting one held at Goat Hill Pizza a very informal meeting with only CAISO present from 3 p.m. to 4 p.m. on Monday, August 29, 2005. The second meeting on the same day was held at the Potrero Neighborhood House from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. It does not take a rocket scientist to figure out that if the discussion was about the Hunters Point power plant why was the discussion held so far away from the site in question on Potrero Hill. Again folks such as Steve Moss and Joe Boss who were not present saw that CAISO had a meeting site but with no real participation from the innocent folks that have been adversely impacted by the 60 years old plus Hunters Point power plant and live close to the power plant. Karen Pierce attended the early meeting at the Goat Hill Pizza. Karen is closely aligned with Sophie Maxwell. Karen purports to work for the City and County of San Francisco and the City's Health Department. Yet again and again while trying to camouflage her real interests she will not stand by the community but will with the most inept and corrupt woman Sophie Maxwell. Karen told us that she could not make the 6 p.m. meeting but she was at another meeting trying to work with Arc Ecology to get funding for Yosemite Slough. It is just demeaning folks that sell out our community. Here our children are dying because of particulates and instead of being at the relevant meeting to voice our opinion some of us are selling the community out. Yosemite Slough has the highest concentration of PCBs, mercury, lead and over 40 other toxins. The Bayview Hunters Point Advocates, Literacy for Environmental Justice (LEJ) and Arc Ecology have received funding from the State to try to clean up this area. These organizations do not represent the community. They keep formulating programs so that our children are exposed to toxins. Olin Webb gets paid over a thousand dollars a month to do outreach. No outreach is done. Only certain folks are invited to the meetings so that the project is shrouded with secrets and while our children are dying these folks are busy raking in grants and ill serve the community at large. Yosemite Slough is full of toxins and no one in their right mind should go near this toxic slough. This area cannot be a pristine wetland. Only the First People know what a wetland is and what a marshland is! For years the Navy and others polluted this Slough. Once there was a beach but today the whole area is a mess. The Department of Toxic Substances Control has not done anything much. The Environmental Protection looks the other way. San Francisco Health Department does not know nor care if our children are exposed to toxins when they are taken there by organizations that use them so that they can rake in the money. These organizations should have been at the CAISO meeting fighting for the community. One of two were there but making comments that were not relevant to the discussion at hand. If all goes well Pacific Gas and Electric hopes to close down Hunters Point power plant by March 2006 but again it could be June, 2006. 6 other projects have been completed the last two are on track so far and I personally hope with the Jefferson-Martin transmission line on track the old toxic spewing power plant will be decommissioned once and for all. So far many Environmental organization have not taken a stand against the 3 Combustion Turbines. Basically 3 small power plants that will emit PM-2.5 and kill our constituents. It is time most people that care take a stand and write to City, State, and Federal officials about this project backed by San Francisco Public Utilities Commission Susan Leal. At home the main backer is Sophie Maxwell the most inept, ignorant, and arrogant woman ever to hold a City position. |