The current San Francisco Housing Element cannot fly without an Environmental Impact Report.

It cannot fly without a Work Plan. Again the San Francisco Planning Department has failed and tried to deceive the constituents of San Francisco.

The Appeal of the Negative Declaration should be upheld and the Housing Element shelved.

The Department of Planning knows that we cannot look at the Housing Element without also looking at the Transportation Document that has elements that have and should be incorporated into the Housing Element.

The Housing Element has no Accountability and has NO Transparency.

The Planning Department has the backing of SPUR and has taken faulty information from the ABAG data that is not current. We have no empirical data to go by.

An Environmental Impact Report will reveal the factors that are important and critical that have not been studied. If this were done the impacts on traffic, the infrastructure, the Environment - Quality of Life Standards that the Planning Department has failed to investigate would be incorporate into a Housing Element. The current Housing Element is fake and speculative.

We live in Earthquake country and the Housing Element pays no attention to the corridors that now have homes that are prone to a larger magnitude earthquake. An EIR would have revealed this fact. In fact the Housing Element should serve as a guide and with a false Housing Element - everything that point to Quality of Life Standards falls by the way side.

No where is there any study done of the Cumulative Impacts of our study. Any sane planner will point out this to the Planning Department but our San Francisco Planning Department is devoid of any planning when it comes to this very important and critical document.

I have read the draft Housing Element and the latest red copy of the Housing Element. I am shocked that such an ill-conceived plan can be shoved down the throats of educated and intelligent constituents of San Francisco.

The Planning Baseline is false and using a premise from the 1990 policy and tries to lie to the constituents on premises that are false and do not meet the standards of CEQA.

The Planning Department failed to outreach the constituents of San Francisco. When it came before some focused groups the Planning Department was told to go back to the drawing board. The Planning Department has defied the constituents San Francisco.

The Planning Department has written this document and it breaks all State Laws foremost the CEQA. This Housing Element document is required by the State to plan for the next 10 years. How can this City give the State a false and fake Housing Element document?

Time to shelf this Housing Element which is very misleading. This Housing Element should begin with a Work Plan. Once this done an EIR is called for. Stop destroying this city with high density and lack of any infrastructure that will impact Quality of Life standards.

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