It is shame that the Bayview Hunters Point responsible for the City and County of San Francisco's Human Rights Commission, responsible for making White business sell cars to Blacks and other amenities, built the newer section of the San Francisco General Hospital; responsible for so many other good stuff today sit back waiting for trees to grow.

Now, I know some of you will get mad but I really do not give a rat's ass. If you see the pain of those that cannot defend themselves and are thrown to the wind; you all will feel just as I feel if not more. Too many poor people and most of them Black are treated like second class citizens and this Racist city does not give a hoot.

Blacks in Public Housing are there because they need help. We really cannot fault the Elderly and those that are sick and need some sort of housing to survive to be treated like second class citizens. Suffice it to say that health insurance is at a premium and food and luxuries are not every day amenities that the poor can afford. Instead of making things easy for those that need help most; there are some within the City echelon that are bent of making the lives of those that cannot defend them; miserable.

Times are changing and many youth will not listen to their parents and grand parents. All of us are aware of this contemporary phenomenon but most of us pretend all will be well. We sit back and allow outsiders mostly White that do not live in our community come to our community and make millions giving crumbs to our youth. Sophina Maxell has NOT done anything much for our youth the woman is on the take.

One has just to study the track record of Literacy for Environmental Justice (LEJ) at 800 Innes. Of Arc Ecology that has set up a store front on 3rd Street and which is hardly ever open. These Whites have NO intention to help Black or people of color; their main motive is money and they make it by pretending to help those in Public Housing. Joining them in the fray are sell outs like Karen Pierce, Olin Webb, Sophina Maxwell, Roy Willis, and a host of other Uncle Toms.

We have no Elders and Leaders that know the way, show the way, and go the way who can take on these scumbags.

We have lot of folks that talk and talk is cheap. It is easy to talk the talk but not quiet the same to walk the walk.

We have some young leaders that do try to do some and then they just give up. They cannot bear the lies and the corruption. And so they will come to me and when I tell them the truth; they feel bad. It is not easy to fight the corrupt and those who intent is evil.

Mayor Gavin Newsom pretends that he wants to help the Black community and he mostly does it with sell outs. I have mentioned their names so many times that it will soil this web site if I mention their names again. These scumbags have sold their souls for little money and are a disgrace to humanity.

When Malcolm X and others of his caliber gave their lives they did so because some one had to take stand and make good stuff happen. If they died it is because Blacks did not learn from past mistakes and mostly about total UNITY. It is the same today; when one Black is doing good so many just want to pull him or her down. This should stop for one thing we cannot move forward with such a sorrow ass attitude.

From time to time some of us visit those that live in Public Housing to offer jobs and what ever it takes to better their lives. It is not easy to bring the youth together and still difficult to work with those that have been incarcerated; are up in age and have been rejected again and again while applying for jobs or opportunities.

It is all about love and sacrifice and things can be worked out but it takes a lot of patience. I admire John Nauer and have tried my best to work with him to make a difference. I also admire Herm Lewis who is trying his best to work with the youth and offer them good things. Javon Mohamed has been my fan and she can put soul into health services and other good stuff. You have Kalif Omar and he has been working hard to make a difference. I could name many more but I want you all to remember that I am watching and I am praying and I am sweating it out to make good stuff happen by representing.

Our Black women have always been the back bone of the family. During the days when some Masters thought they ruled the world; Black women brought them to their knees by using their patience and intelligence. I have read a lot and I keep it in my thoughts but there is no doubt that Blacks have contributed a lot to the Universe that is America.

In my late teens I could value the deeds of Jomo Kenyatta, Julius Neyrere, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Malcolm X, and many other women and men that I consider my circle of friends, more family. In all my life I never let my friends down.

For years I walked where most feared to tread. In my later years as I mellowed down I fought to revive the memories and achievements of the Buffalo Soldiers. I took on those Racists and still do who have no idea about humanity and fair play. For hundreds of years some think they are superior when it fact they suffer from an inferiority complex.

In the Bayview Hunters Point the time has come to act and protect. We cannot do that by listening to the Racists that have no clue of the history of the past 60 years and live outside the Bayview Hunters Point. We cannot trust those Blacks that are sell outs and think they can get away with murder. Sell outs should be called out and it is right to bring them to realize that they are not wanted in the contribution of anything positive; having contributed to much of the present negativity.

Emmett Till has always been in my subconscious. I read the story and saw the early photographs and what I sensed hurt me to the core. Those of us that follow Civil Rights know more about Rosa Parks and the bus and less about Emmett Till. Many of those that walk the walk will tell you; looking you straight in the eye about Emmett Till and how he sparked the Civil Rights moment. It just so happened Rosa Parks got more of the lime light and Emmett Till less. If all goes well some of us with the help of an important source will make good things happen. Black on Black violence must stop. It is the people at ground zero who should make it happen. Forget bringing Supervisor Sophina Maxwell into the picture; she is a sell out and has done more harm then good. So are some organizations that have a hidden agenda. If Malcolm X were alive he would call them out.

I was born in Nairobi, Kenya and have been observing certain Racists for the longest time ever. I was born in the land of the Mau Mau; so I do not have to be told about revolution and uprising. It is in my blood and it will be until the day I can no longer breathe.

It is not easy for me to see some folks who are trained to keep Law and Order abuse their powers. It is not right to kill any human being and as far as I can see many Blacks have been shot and killed when they could have been arrested without any bodily harm.

I fought hard for a Police Commission to work hard and adjudicate cases in a timely manner. The Proposition H that I fought for has failed me and thousands like me that expected results. Recently I took the father of Richard Tims who was shot and killed by SF Police to speak to the SF Police Commission. Can you imagine years after his son died; Arthur Tims has no Incident Report on his son's death and No Closure. We all know that this is not the way to treat human beings.

Blacks sit down and pretend that justice will come to us on some platter that floats around. We have rights guaranteed in the Constitution that everyone touts. We have human rights in the United Nations Charter. We have Federal, State and Local laws that are there to protect; but unfortunately when it comes to Blacks with see blatant Racism.

How many times must I and others talk to those in authority including our SF Board of Supervisors and a sell out like Supervisor Sophina Maxwell and other Blacks that pretend they are House Negroes and frown upon those less fortunate as if they were Field Negroes. I was born in Nairobi, Kenya and I must know something about Africa and Africans. House Negroes are a disgrace to humanity especially when they act like Uncle Tom. Nelson Mandela's native name translates to "he that shakes the trees ". Trees mean a lot of all Africans and so it is wrong to just sit on our assess and watch the trees grow. Let us learn from the trees that grow well and bear good fruit. Let us learn to grow a good seed, let us learn to nurture the seed, when the seed sprouts, let us actively participate in the growth of the tree. We as a people once knew the benefits of a village; some how, some where we have lost of sense of community and by doing so lost the sense of UNITY.

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