The Trust Bill guarantees the United States Park Police 3 million dollars every single year for its operation. The U.S. Park Police Lobby and their personal association with many Senators and Congresspersons on Capitol Hill assured that this language became concrete when the faulty Trust Bill was passed much to the chagrin of the tax payer.

The U.S. Park Police has failed to maintain a standard of policing at the Presidio of San Francisco. One dominant factor to gauge the standard factor is the "turnover" - more than 60 percent of the U.S. Park Police leave the San Francisco Field Office - mostly because of the hostile management style. Some years ago the dirty linen was aired on KGO radio. Most citizens think that this out fit is not fit to maintain the SAFETY and PROTECT the assets of the Presidio of San Francisco.

A singular problem has been the discrimination against African American officers except one or two who though they are African American have sold their community to the racist management.

The Presdio Trust has rented most of its housing. A huge portion of the housing has been rented to students. Students bring with them all the problems one encounters on any CAMPUS and more. More over the rented units have more tenants living in them than required and stated on the lease of the student lease. They rent are so high that the only way they can survive is by sharing the rent - with as many as possible. The Trust is interested in getting their money - and does not care about the standard of living or the principles of sustainability, which they preach on most occasions.

The Presidio Trust some years ago came up with what they thought was a novel idea. The Trust formed their own " Rogue Cops" and started patrolling the Presidio of San Francisco. In fact the Trust Management does not think much of the U.S. Park Police. When James Meadows was in charge of the Presidio Trust - on more than five occasions there were altercations between James Meadows and the U.S. Park Police - there were a couple with James Meadows' wife. All incident reports conveniently dropped - so that some few top U.S. Park Police Management can enjoy perks.

One of the perks the top U.S. Park Police Management enjoys is discounted housing - this is not fair. Anyone, making the huge salary this inept U.S. Park Police Management makes should pay his or her fair share.

It is a shame when life styles are incorporated as part of the U.S. Park Police management promotion system at the San Francisco Field Office. I had a good friend who once headed the Criminal Investigation Bureau - he took early retirement and now works for Law Enforcement on the East Coast. This man who had vast experience and maintained a fine SWAT team, provided security detail whenever the Secretary of Interior was in town. He often mentioned to me the " sick state of affairs prevailing among top management at the U.S. Park Police at the San Francisco Field Office".

Promotions based on life styles are "sick" and should never be tolerated.

The Presidio Trust has taken upon themselves to patrol the San Francisco Presidio using rogue civilians. These buffoons will call the U.S. Park Police manned 911 Communication Center and the U.S. Park Police react - as if they are taking orders from any regular Law Enforcement Agency. This is a shame.

One Sunday a few days ago my good friend was moving from his home that he rented on the Presidio. He could not meet the high rents shoved down his throat. One evening he was moving his personal plants to another location where the plants could be watered and taken care of.

Two Trust Rogue Cops stopped by my friend's home and asked him what he was doing without identifying themselves. He told them that in a few days he was moving from his rented home. They asked him about the plants and he stated that he was moving his personal potted plants so that the plants could be cared.

My good friend loaded his truck with the plants and was proceeding to the other location not far from his home to deliver the plants to his friend - when four U.S. Park Police vehicles stopped him a few hundred feet from his home - on a charge of " Larceny in Progress". They had him " spread eagle" - humiliated him.

The U.S. Park Police would not listen to his protestations that he lived on the Presidio of San Francisco. His identification stated it very clearly. He had " bridge passes" which he stated he used to go to his work in Marin County - he works for the National Park Service. He told them he has been living for over 4 years at the Presidio. He even mentioned the names of some of the corrupt U.S. Park Police current management. All to no avail.

Heading this posse were the civilian rogue cops from the Presidio Trust. They had no idea who they were dealing with and what problems they had created. These rogue cops have no business patrolling the Presidio of San Francisco.

My friend was forced to drive back to his home. He opened the door and the U.S. Park Police wanted to forcefully enter in. He shut the door behind him - ran to his telephone and shouted to the U.S. Park Police that he was calling his attorney. He called me and I asked some rookie U.S. Park Police officer to talk to the Sergeant who had appeared on the scene.

I happened to know the Sergeant having worked with him before. I explained the situation and the Sergeant assured me that " there was a misunderstanding". He assured that the situation at hand would be normalized.

In the bargain my good friend was traumatized. In the bargain the U.S. Park Police took his identification and did not return it. To date they cannot find it. All this happened because of some rogue cops who patrol the Presidio of San Francisco. I wish the Presidio Army Military Police could witness the nonsense that is happening today. We had genuine law and order when the Army was there. We had NO stupid BARDARDIZINATION of Law Enforcement.

It is time that some Federal Agency monitor and investigate the U.S. Park Police. U.S. Park Police has its Internal Service which has NOT done its job. The current management should be removed and a more qualified management put in place.

The U.S. Park Police under the current management for the last 4 years have been a disgrace. It is time that the concrete language allowing only a federal law agency to police the Presidio of San Francisco be removed. For too long, have too many innocent people suffered because the current Law Enforcement management at the Presidio of San Francisco is not only inept but jeopardizing the safety and protection of the citizens of the United States who visit the Park.

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