Community Based Organizations all along the 3rd Street corridor and beyond in the Bayview Hunters Point have had little if NO scrutiny when it comes to serving the constituents with tax payers money.

Foremost among the culprits Bayview Hunters Point Advocates with Olin Webb as its head. Also SLUG which declared bankruptcy with connections to Mohammed Nuru and Cory Calandra. Young Community Developers is on the radar screen with Dwayne Jones and the Private Industry Council making some unsavory deals.

It has become fashionable among some crooks to prey on the constituents by using Community Based Organizations who will volunteer to work with MUNI and the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission to do outreach, reach for their own pockets and fill it to the hilt. Now these organizations have rung their own death knell.

It is a shame that the Bayview Hunters Point has been used by Literacy for Environmental Justice to build a Living Classroom near Pier 98, which is a toxic dump. Also bombarded by an Electromagnetic Field that has harmed hundreds of children who were taken to the god-forsaken site. Now suddenly because of my efforts LEJ wants to move the Living Classroom to zip code 94134 and build it on McClaren Park which is a slap in the face of those constituents who do not know a thing about Dana Lanza the Director of LEJ and her convoluted plans that lead no where. Zip Code 94134 is out of bounds for LEJ to set eyes on.

San Francisco Environment has been backing LEJ and BVHP Advocates despite of the fact that SFE fully understands that both these organizations have very little Accountability and Transparency.

It is a shame that Bayview Hunters Point permits these corrupt organizations to make money off the back of those who need help. These self appointed gurus do not care about the people - they do care about the youth - these scumbags care about their pockets - screwing the people.

I am calling upon the State Attorney, the City Attorney and other City officials to have these Community Based Organizations open their books.

I am also interested what is going on at Yosemite Slough with a $300,000 plus project where young people are forced to go near polluted waters contaminated to test PCBs and other such toxins so that the primary organization who receive funding can make money.

It always strikes those of us who are well educated and informed how crooks will use our children to make money. Our youth are our precious talent and we should all care for their humanity and look forward to their leadership. Teach them good things and shun what is evil.

It is not for crooked Community Based Organizations to fleece them using youth as a commodity statistics to make money. Shame on you who do not care about our youth.

A couple of years ago $13.3 million dollars were set aside so that some mitigation projects would help those most adversely affected the constituents of Bayview Hunters Point. Never was it intended that $1.5 million would be given to the Conservatory in the Golden Gate Park so far away from Bayview Hunters Point.

Never should one single dollar be used at the Enola Maxwell School so close to Sophie Maxwell who served as a Chair to oversee the funding.

The Living Classroom at Pier 98 would have brought slow death. Again and again the proponents fought me because they were focused on the money. They were not focused on our children. Now, they want to make excuses. Once a scumbag always a scumbag - especially when children are used as a ploy.

The primary organization behind the Yosimite Slough are the same. Outsiders who do not live in the community use the community to make money and pay staff who are far removed from ground zero, which is Bayview Hunters Point. No one on the Hill, which is Hunters Point, knows what is happening at Yosemite Slough. They knew what was going to happen at Pier 98 with the Living Classroom because over 1500 signatures opposed the Living Classroom Plan. Shame on you LEJ.

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