I find it very difficult that some folks agree to run for office and then once they are in office do not want to exercise Sunshine Laws in a fair manner. Treat the constituents with disdain.

I have an argument if some one feels that Sunshine Laws come in the way of working for the people as a Board of Supervisor (BOS), a Commissioner, or any other Public Office and one finds it difficult to deal with the Sunshine Law - one better stay away from Public Office.

Take a hike and take away from the Public.

I am for Sunshine Laws and I fully understand that each case can be taken and adjudicated. If the BOS, some Commissioner, other Public Officer cannot figure out a scenario then they should form a small committee or task force to deal with it with the help of the City Attorney.

Sunshine Law is very important especially when one has to deal with folks like Willie L. Brown and Sophie Maxwell. Corrupt and arrogant folks like the above two can make it hell for anyone to exercise fairness.

At the San Francisco Port Authority Commission meetings or the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission meeting we have the same problem. Often times "passive meetings" are held and actions taken that can adversely impact the constituents of San Francisco.

We need Sunshine to address the Legislative Body simply because we pay them over $100,000 and they do not really do a good job. If they feel they are bothered - then they should leave - let others run for office.

The same with the Commissioners if they feel they do not want to listen to the Public - deprive them of their due time. Treat them with disdain step down and go take a hike.

Donna Hall please take note uphold the Sunshine Laws.

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